Local, State & National Studies
Advocating for Change
Leagues at every level take positions based on study and consensus among members. The League uses these positions to advocate for public policy changes. During the consensus process, members draw on balanced pro/con materials, develop their own resources, turn to technical experts and public officials for information, and reach out to the community through public meetings, surveys and media coverage.
LWV-Lafayette has conducted studies focusing on local issues and has participated in studies initiated by LWV-LA and LWVUS.
Know Your Local Governments
Know Your Local Governments is intended as a foundation for understanding the structure of local government for voters, future voters, and residents of Lafayette Parish. It underlines the need and opportunities for participation in democratic government and fills a need for a one-stop overview of the many units of local government in Lafayette Parish. The webguide can serve as a basis for future research and public discussion.
Everybody’s Network
Everybody’s Network, a study of Lafayette’s fiber utility system and how our community can make best use of it, was released September 15, 2009. Printed copies were distributed to elected officials and other interested parties.
Everybody’s Schools
Everybody’s Schools, a study of the facility needs of the local public schools, was published on this web site in November 2007. Printed copies were distributed to elected officials and other interested parties.
A companion video, also titled “Everybody’s Schools,” was similarly distributed. It has also been shown at the meetings of civic and governmental organizations.
Should We Panic Over Public Pension Costs? Or Not?
Should We Panic Over Public Pension Costs? Or Not?, a study of Louisiana’s retirement systems’ requirements and laws, was approved by delegates to the 2013 League of Women Voters of Louisiana Convention. The background paper and the LWVLA’s final position will assist both the state League and the public to respond effectively to the high volume of retirement bills in each legislative session, to understand the annual budgetary responsibility and impact of Louisiana’s state pension systems and benefits, and to evaluate assertions in the media about public sector pensions.
Money in Politics Review
Money in Politics Review, a study adopted by the LWVUS Education Fund Board in October 2014, was designed to conduct an update of the League’s on campaign finance. Through a study and consensus process, the campaign finance position was updated in 2016 to consider the rights of individuals and organizations, under the First Amendment, to express their political views through independent expenditures and the finance of election campaign activities; and how those rights, if any, should be protected and reconciled with the interests set out in the current position.
We are an inclusive community of action and diverse thinkers. Membership starts at $60 per year, opportunities to learn and make an impact are plentiful.